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Rockspace Extender Setup Instructions

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The Rockspace extender is such a useful device that can provide better WiFi coverage at your place. After attaching it to your home’s router, you will start enjoying the fastest and most stable internet signals. No matter whether you want to extend your home or office network’s signals, this device can work for both.

All you will require to do is set it up in a perfect way either through its WPS function or the web setup portal. But, for the first-time setup, you will require to get familiar with the setup directions to achieve a hassle-free setup. So, use these directions in the right manner and install the extender quickly.

Rockspace extender

Rockspace Extender Manual Setup Guide

It is advisable to go through the Rockspace extender setup manual guide after getting it from the packaged box. That guide will walk you through some Rockspace WiFi extender setup instructions which you can use to accomplish the process. Apart from that, you will be able to get the extender’s login credentials along with the default web/IP address. So, as you unbox your extender do these things and move to the next step later. However, if you find the guide information insufficient, then get in touch with our experts for more guidance.

WPS Process For Extender

Luckily if your existing router is WPS compatible, you can choose this setup process for your extender. This approach will hardly take 5 to 10 minutes as you will require tapping two buttons on both devices. So, consider these points which are listed below, and carry out the Rockspace extender setup procedure simply.

  • Before anything else, make your Rockspace extender ready for the configuration process.
  • That is to plug it into a power socket which must be near the existing router’s location.
  • Once both devices turn configurable, take the next step without wasting more time.
  • Press the WPS button from your Rockspace extender first and hold it for a few seconds.
  • Thereafter, push the WPS button from the existing router and wait for the solid LED.
  • Make sure to press both devices’ buttons within two minutes so that there will be a fast connection.
  • Soon, the stable LEDs on the extender and the router will notify you about the process completion.
  • Finally, relocate the extender and choose the location where you face the slow internet speed.

Thus, the Rockspace WiFi extender setup will be done in this simple way. But, if you face any difficulty during the process, then take assistance from our team of experts.

Other Setup Approaches

In case, your existing router is not compatible with the WPS feature, then you will need to choose another approach. These are the web-based setup portal and the Rockspace WiFi app process. But, unlike the WPS process, these methods have some pre-requirements that you will require to collect first.

Prerequisites For Other Processes

Rockspace wifi extender setup

Here is a list of the things that you will require while doing the process. So, check these items and collect them immediately as well.

  • The login and other credentials of your Rockspace extender.
  • Power and ethernet cables if you want to make a wired connection.
  • Your existing router must have an active internet plan with enough signals.
  • Any device to access the Rockspace WiFi extender setup portal.
  • That device must be able to use the web browser and the app store.

Login To Rockspace Extender Through Web Portal

After collecting these things, start the process by taking your device and making it networked. Either choose the wireless network on your device or use an ethernet wire to make a wired connection.

  • Open up any web browser on your networked device and insert the extender’s web or IP address.
  • Ensure to use the default address and don’t make any mistakes while typing this.
  • When you click enter, the browser will automatically take you to the login page.
  • That page will prompt you to fill in the username and password to access the setup portal.
  • After completing the login process, you will have access to visit the Rockspace extender setup page.

Login Through Rockspace WiFi App

Besides that method, you can prefer to use the Rockspace WiFi app to log in to the extender. But, in this process, you will need to get the app on your Android mobile or iOS device.

  • Launch the app store on your preferred mobile and search for the Rockspace WiFi app.
  • Select the latest and official version of the app and permit your device to install that.
  • Then. allow the app’s terms and conditions and you will automatically reach out to the login window.
  • Enter the username and password accurately in the prompted fields and click enter.
  • In the end, the Rockspace WiFi extender setup page will appear on your device’s screen.

Rockspace WiFi Extender Setup Without WPS

As you reach the Rockspace extender setup window, the wireless networks list will be visible on your screen. From there you can choose the network that you want to extend or configure and later enter its password. As a result, your device will start extending the network and doing some basic things. Soon, a message of “Extended Successfully” will appear on the screen once the process is complete. Fortunately, the device’s screen will walk you through every point of the process till you complete it. But, if you get stuck at any point, then contact our technicians for more help.

Rockspace WiFi Extender without WPS

Troubleshooting Tips For Extender Login Errors

No doubt, you could face some issues during the login process as it is common to face them. However, there can be multiple causes behind the errors, and also can be recognizable or unrecognizable. But, here are some resolving tips that you can try out to get those issues fixed.

Make The Connection Again

The foremost cause can be a weak connection between the extender and your device. This can happen because your device is not connected to your official network or the ethernet wire is broken. So, verify these things and try to make the connection again. Select the right network and enter the perfect password and check the ethernet wire and replace it with another one.

Verify The Login Credentials

While inserting the username and password, keep in mind to double-check it. There must not be any spelling, numeric, or character mistakes, and must use the default details. As you will require to insert the details which are by default until you change them. Additionally, you must keep in mind to use and insert the extender’s web or IP address in the right sequence.

Avoid Connection Timed Out Error

Equally important to avoid a weak connection and credentials conflict issue, it is necessary to prevent a time-out error. If you are taking too much time to insert the login details there will be a chance for that issue to occur. As a result, you will start getting login errors or the window will not be accessible to you. So, use less time to complete the login process.

Resolve The Rockspace WiFi Extender Setup Errors

Similar to login errors, you might encounter some issues in the setup process or after the Rockspace extender setup. Which include sluggish internet speed, intermittent connection, and signal interruptions. So, utilize these problem-solving tips to get the extender’s working fixed.

Choose An Ideal Location

After the Rockspace extender setup, you can relocate it to another place where you want fast internet. But, the condition here is to keep the extender within the router’s range so that there will be enough signals to transfer. It usually happens when the extender is too far or too close to the router. So, try to move and place the extender in the center of your house.

rockspace firmware update

Get The Firmware Update

Generally, the internet speed becomes sluggish due to the outdated version of the extender’s current firmware. So, make sure your extender is running on the latest firmware file, if it is not, then check the updates. To check that, access the management window on the Rockspace extender setup portal and choose your extender model. Save that file on your PC and do the firmware updating process on the same window.

Reset The Extender

If none of the above-mentioned points work for you, then try resetting it and doing the Rockspace repeater setup again. For this process, locate and press the reset button on the extender’s panel. Ensure to hold the button till you see the blinking LED on the extender, which will notify you that the process is ongoing. Afterward, choose any method from different Rockspace extender setup processes and configure it perfectly.

Thus, your extender will become ready to use once you are done with the Rockspace extender setup process. However, if you seek more information about your product, don’t think more to get in touch with our team experts. Contact us either by calling them or dropping a mail.

Some Issues You Might Face

If you are facing any issues then please contact us, and we will be happy to help you.

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