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Macard RE1200 Setup

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The demand for a stable and seamless internet connection is increasing similar to the number of connected devices. You might also need that at your place but, don’t worry a RE1200 extender can be a reliable option for you. It is an innovative solution that comes with robust and the latest technical features making it ideal for home networks. But, to avail of its advantages, there will be a need for the RE1200 extender setup, which comprises several steps. So, check the information mentioned below and execute the process stepwise.

Macard RE1200 Extender Setup – How Does it Work?

Before you delve into the Macard RE1200 extender setup process, you must be aware of its working and capabilities. As mentioned earlier, this device has the most powerful features which allow it to extend the existing internet signals. Whether you want to own this device for your bigger house or multi-story office, this device suits all. No matter, if you are struggling with the WiFi dead spots at your basement or second floor, the extender will eliminate them easily.

Once you complete the Macard RE1200 extender setup by connecting it to the existing router, you will start getting stable signals. Fear not, if you are a non-tech-savvy user, the easiest setup process will allow you to configure this within minutes. However, if you still have difficulties during the setup, our tech expert team can help you to achieve that. So, start the setup process now, but before that, execute the login process.

macard ac1200

Macard RE1200 Extender Login

The first step of the setup process includes logging into the extender as every other device does. Also, you’ll need to use the default login credentials of the extender that you can collect from the manual guide. So, go through the guide once and collect the required details before you start the Macard RE1200 extender setup. Afterward, follow the steps to log into your extender:

  • Foremost, check the extender’s working and make sure it is well connected to the power plug.
  • Launch a web browser on the networked device and search for the Macard RE1200’s default web/IP address.
  • You can check these details from the extender’s panel or the quick setup guide if you don’t know them.
  • On the next page, there will be a login window containing the username and password fields.
  • Enter the default details in the boxes and click on the login button to move further with the setup.
  • Once you complete the login process there will be a number of features and options visible on the screen.
  • It is advisable to change the login credentials after the setup as the default ones are easy-to-access.
  • Finally, go to the setup dashboard and use the options as you want to configure the extender.

Macard RE1200 Extender Setup Process

Now, let’s start the setup process using these steps, and make sure you follow them in the right sequence. Meanwhile, get the existing router’s SSID network name and the password that the setup process will require.

Place The Extender Ideally

For a hassle-free Macard RE1200 extender setup, don’t forget to choose an optimal location for it. So, place the extender near the router which will allow them to have a strong connection. However, you can relocate the extender to the WiFi dead zone area after the setup.

Connect Your Device

Afterward, connect your WiFi-enabled device to the Macard RE1200 network by selecting the WiFi network. Alternatively, you can opt to make a wired connection between them for a reliable connection. But, for that, there will be a need to use an ethernet wire that must be working well and long enough.

MACARD setup RE1200

Access The Web Interface

In this step, go to the web setup portal and use the web or IP address of the extender to do that. You can either use the web address or the IP one to get on the interface. However, make sure to avoid mistakes in the spelling and numeric characters while inserting the details.

Macard RE1200 Extender Setup

When you reach the portal safely, there will be some directions that your device’s screen will display. That involves selecting the wireless network, configuring it, entering the password, and many more points. Go beyond those directions step by step and complete the Macard RE1200 extender setup precisely.

Macard RE1200 Extender Setup Network

You might have some similar networks in your vicinity with the same names and passwords. That’s why, you must change the network SSID name and password of your extended network after completing the setup. Set a different name for the network and create a strong password for it for safety purposes.

Attach Your Devices

After you follow the steps in the right way, the extended network will start appearing in the wireless network list. So, connect your devices to the network using the updated password. On the contrary, use some ethernet wires to attach the devices together with stable connections.

Troubleshoot Common Issues In Macard RE1200 Extender Setup

If in any case, you start facing performance issues in the Macard re1200 extender, don’t worry, it can be common. There might be some technical or other glitches in the extender and its network that you must address quickly. Use the troubleshooting tips mentioned below to resolve the issues appropriately.

Avoid Signal Interruptions

If there are weak signals or poor signal transmission, there can be some interruptions in them from externally. Devices such as refrigerators, microwave ovens, Bluetooth devices, 2.4GHz cordless phones, baby monitors, and other items can impede signals. So, place the extender away from them and also from metallic things and thick concrete walls.

Update The Firmware

Although the latest firmware update works to improve the extender’s performance by fixing technical bugs. But, if your extender is running on an outdated version there might be sluggish performance of the network. So, check for the latest version on the web interface and update the file right away to optimize the performance.

Reboot The Extender

There could be some temporary glitches in the network that you can easily resolve only after rebooting the extender. Just unplug the extender from the power socket and plug it in again after some time. Meanwhile, check the entire network and its settings from the web interface.

firmware update

Reset The Extender

If the error still keeps occurring, there might be some faults in the older configured settings of the extender. As a result, there are serious issues in the extender’s operating process that lead you to feel frustrated. In that case, you will need to reset those settings and repeat the Macard re1200 extender setup from scratch.

Find the dedicated reset button on the extender and press it till there is a blinking light on it. When the light turns stable, it means the extender is ready and prompts you for the setup again. Choose the setup method and follow the directions precisely to configure the extender. But, make sure to use the default details of the extender as you are doing it from scratch.

Some FAQs of Macard RE1200 Extender Setup

There will be a dedicated reset button on the extender through which you can reset the extender. Press the button and check the LED indication to know about the process. Alternatively, there might be a Factory Reset option on the web interface for the same purpose.
In most cases, you can place the Macard re1200 extender centrally to your house or office. In doing so, there will be better WiFi coverage in the corners. Besides that, you can relocate the extender to the WiFi dead spots to eliminate them.
You can collect the default username and password of Macard re1200 from its quick manual setup guide. Sometimes these details are printed on the extender’s back or bottom panel. Get the details earlier when you plan to do the setup.

The latest firmware update helps to fix the security bugs and improve the extender’s performance in a significant way. That’s why, whenever the latest version is available on the manufacturer site, you must update that immediately.

You can choose the most powerful security encryption if your Macard re1200 extender supports any. Further, change the password of the network and set a strong one to avoid unauthorized users guessing it. You must change the password on a periodic basis to keep it secure every time.

Confirm that you are successful in configuring your Macard re1200 extender with the help of these points. However, if you face difficulties or issues after the setup, just contact our technical experts straight away.