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WL NWP101G2 AV1200 Powerline Setup

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The Wavlink WL NWP101G2 AV1200 powerline is such a plug-and-play device with its easy pair button configuration method. With powerful technology features, it makes the router’s range-extending process possible in less time and effort. To get this feature easily at your place, keep reading the below-mentioned information.

WL NWP101G2 AV1200 Manual Guide

When you unbox the powerline WiFi kit, there will be two powerline devices with two ethernet wires. Also, you will receive a quick manual guide, through this you can get the basic configuration information. Have a thorough look over that guide so that the further process will be more simple for you. More than that, you can collect the WL NWP101G2 AV1200 powerline’s login credentials that you will require while setting up it.

Powerline Pair-And-Play Configuration

To utilize the WL NWP101G2 AV1200 pair button to make this device ready to use, follow the instructions here.

  • After reading the manual once, move to the further process immediately.
  • Attach the existing router to the first powerline using an ethernet wire.
  • Whereas joining the remaining powerline to the device using another wire.
  • Also, plug both powerlines into the power sockets and turn the switches on.
  • When the LEDs on both devices will start blinking, push the pair button of the first powerline.
  • Within the next two minutes, push another powerline pair button.
  • As a result, within a short while the connection will be complete.
  • Finally, enjoy uninterrupted internet signals on the connected device.
wavlink av1200

WL NWP101G2 AV1200 Setup On Web

Asides from the pair button configuration approach, you can opt to use the web browser on the network-connected device. Make the connection between all gadgets and follow the remaining steps.

  • After connecting the device to the powerline by an ethernet wire, launch any web browser on it.
  • In the next step, access the powerline’s official login page.
  • To do that, search the powerline’s default web or IP address on the web browser.
  • Type in the search bar and click enter to visit the login portal.
  • Following this, fill in the WL NWP101G2 AV1200 login details in the field and click Sign-In.
  • As a result, the setup page will be visible on the device screen.
  • Here, to complete the setup process, do the basic things on the page and insert the essential information as well.
  • Lastly, create a strong and unique SSID and password to make the network more secure.

To make more changes in the WL NWP101G2 AV1200 powerline, get in touch with our experts to take more assistance.

Powerline WiFi Kit Specifications

Through 2×2 MIMO Beamforming technology in the WL NWP101G2 AV1200 powerline, you can use three wires to connect more devices to it. Which will clearly improve the data transfer capability and connection stability. The gigabit ethernet ports in both powerlines will work 10x faster than the obsolete ports. Interestingly, there will be no need to change or buy a new router as it can expand the existing router’s signals in a significant way.

Fix WL NWP101G2 AV1200 Errors

To get stable signals every time or remove the powerline kit’s working errors, apply these troubleshooting tips to the network.

Reboot The Powerline

First, see the powerline’s LEDs to identify the causes behind errors. If these are not in ideal condition, remove the powerline device from the electrical sockets. After waiting for some time, fix them again and reconnect the device to the network. Wait till the WiFi kit comes to its performing stage and check its performance in the end.

Restart Powerline Kit

Another way to fix the powerline device’s malfunctioning is to reset the WL NWP101G2 AV1200 with its reset button. To implement this method, switch the reset button until the LED indicates the process is in progress. After some time, when the light will become solid, configure the powerline again by using any method from both.

Now, we can safely say that with the help of these useful points, you will be successful in configuring the device shortly. However, if you face any errors again in the WL NWP101G2 AV1200 working, then don’t hesitate to reach us. Simply drop your queries at support@wifiwavlink.net or make a call at 716-992-6371.

Some Issues You Might Face

If you are facing any issues then please contact us, and we will be happy to help you.

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