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WL WN527A2 AC1200 Router Setup

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The WN527A2 AC1200 router is such a plug-and-push device that attaches to the internet provider device to expand its signals. From expanding the internet signals to letting the device remain connected, this device can work for both. To configure the router easily, you can choose its WPS button method. But, before starting the process, get familiar with the basic information.

WPS Configuration Method For AC1200 Router

Simply start the process after attaching the antennas and other parts to the router. Clearly, this process does not require any specific things.

  • Firstly, use the power sockets and plug the router and extender into them.
  • Then, push the router’s WPS button and verify its LED working.
  • Also, use the extender’s WPS button and press it for a few seconds.
  • As a result, the LEDs on both devices will change colors and turn stable.
  • Now, attach your devices to the router network wirelessly or wired.
  • In this way, the WL WN527A2 AC1200 router setup will be done shortly.
WL WN527A2 AC1200

Pre Requirements For AC1200 Router Setup

For the other configuration methods, you will require some things while executing the processes. So, have a look over and collect these things.

  • The active internet connection of the existing extender.
  • Wavlink router’s login credentials to do sign-in.
  • Router’s default web and IP address to visit the setup page.
  • An ethernet wire in case you want to create a wired connection.
  • Your device with the latest version of the web browser.
  • Lastly, the router’s network SSID name and password.

Wavlink App Method For Router Setup

After collecting the requirements of the process, start the procedure immediately.

  • Open the Google Play Store on that networked device if that is an android phone.
  • In case you are using an iOS device, then open the Apple App Store.
  • Search and install the Wavlink official app on your device.
  • Fill in the password in the field, if asked by mobile, and allow it to install the app.
  • As you install the app, do the login thereby inserting the default login credentials.
  • On the next page, select the network and make some changes to it.
  • Create a different and unique SSID network name and password as well.
  • Once you make the network successfully, you can connect more devices to it.

Web-Based WL WN527A2 AC1200 Router Setup

You can also visit the router’s web-based setup page to configure and make changes to the router’s settings.

  • To begin with, join the router to the internet provider device and make a network.
  • Also, attach your device to the router network from the network list on the device.
  • On the other hand, use and insert the ethernet wire ends into the router and device’s ports for a wired connection.
  • After connecting the device to the network successfully, visit the router’s web-based setup page.
  • Use and search for wifi.wavlink.com or in the browser’s search panel.
  • Soon, the login portal will display on the device’s screen which contains the username and password field.
  • Fill in the router’s accurate login details in the field to complete the login process and visit the setup page.
  • Later, create a new SSID name and password to make the network secure.
  • Moreover, do some changes in the router’s advanced settings to get the optimum performance of the router.
  • In the end, unplug the router and place it somewhere you want to get stable internet signals.

Troubleshoot The AC1200 Router Setup Errors

While using the WL WN527A2 AC1200 router setup, if you experience the slow speed of the internet, then use these points.

WL WN527A2 AC1200 router setup
  • Initially, change the router’s placement and place it near the internet provider device.
  • Furthermore, keep the metallic and other electrical items away from the router to avoid signal interruptions.
  • Unplug the router and connect it again by using a different device and a different web browser.
  • Update the connected device’s web browser and the router’s software too.
  • Reset the router if required and perform the configuration process again.
  • Lastly, use the accurate login credentials and the web or IP address while doing the process this time.

Apply these points to remove errors in the router’s performance, if you are not able to do that, contact our professionals. Call us at 716-992-6371 or mail support@wifiwavlink.net to get more solutions.

Some Issues You Might Face

If you are facing any issues then please contact us, and we will be happy to help you.

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