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WL WN519N2 N300 Extender Setup

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The Wavlink WN519N2 N300 extender can be ideal for your home and travel use for an uninterrupted internet signal. Although it can be compatible with any brand of router, with its easy installation process. All you pretty need is a long ethernet wire and a device with access to the web browser. Utilize the rest of the information here for the further process.

WPS Setup For Wavlink N300 Extender

To configure the device by only a push-and-play method, there is a WPS button on the extender panel. So, make use of that button and verify the router’s WPS button’s working as well.

  • At the first of this process, place the extender plug from the back panel into the electrical socket.
  • Turn the power switch on and make the extender configurable.
  • Now, use your home router and press its WPS button after plugging it in.
  • Look over both devices’ LEDs as both will indicate the ideal signs.
  • Also, the LEDs movement will show that the configuration process is undergoing.
  • After doing this, connect your device to the extender network immediately.
  • In this way, your device will get the extended signals of the internet.
WL WN519N2 N300 Extender Setup

Wizard Smart Setup For WL WN519N2 N300

To perform the WL WN519N2 N300 extender setup in another way, open the web browser on your device after making a strong connection.

  • Once you have done with the process’s prerequisite which is connecting the devices together, take the next step.
  • Here in this case, you can also make a wired connection by using an ethernet cable.
  • Following this, open any updated web browser on that network-connected device.
  • Visit the extender’s official web-based setup page by searching the web or IP address in the search bar.
  • Use any of both which is wifi.wavlink.com or and click enter.
  • As you visit the extender’s login portal, insert the login credentials there and tap Sign-In.
  • Choose the right network from the next page and allow the browser to extend this.
  • Use the screen directions to completely perform the procedure.

WL WN519N2 N300 Extender Setup Features

This compact extender is designed like a wall plug that has 2 inbuilt antennas that provide up to 300Mbps data transfer rate. Additionally, it has an inbuilt power supply that does not require an external power supply every time. Which is why it is easier to carry with you all time. The materials used to create this device are heat-resistant and flame-retardant. Clearly, there is nothing to be concerned about regarding the build quality.

Resolving Points For Extender Errors

Due to the router end issues or something else, the extender might start malfunctioning. To discard them rapidly, utilize these solutions.

  • Check the extender’s placement and LED indications.
  • The router and extender must be in the range.
  • The extender must be placed away from metallic or electrical appliances.
  • Moreover, verify the router’s connection whether is active or expired.
  • Examine the strength of the wireless and wired connections.
  • Replace the wire if there is any tear or wear sign on that.
  • Insert the extender’s accurate login details and web or IP address.
  • Lastly, update the connected device’s web browser timely.

Power Cycle The Extender

If the extender LED still shows any blinking color, then remove the extender and router from the power sockets. Further, disconnect your device too from the network. After waiting for some time, connect all devices again after plugging the extender and router in. Now, the extender LED will start showing the ideal color.

Reset The Extender

The easy reset function of the extender will allow you to solve the working errors permanently. In order to do this, push the extender’s reset button as a result, the extender will start resetting now. Once it notifies the completion of the process, do the extender configuration again by using any method from both processes.

Through the above-mentioned tips, you will be successful in configuring and using the WL WN519N2 N300 extender efficiently. However, if you are not able to do that, reach our technicians for more help. You can simply call us at 716-992-6371 or mail us at support@wifiwavlink.net. They will guide you through each and every step.

Some Issues You Might Face

If you are facing any issues then please contact us, and we will be happy to help you.

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