wifi wavlink

Unleashing the Power of Your Internet with Wavlink Router

Wavlink Router is the most helpful router when you need a faster and better internet connection. This is a wireless internet router for home and office. It is a dual-band router 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz with a high speed internet. The quality of the network connection it provides is completely capable of supporting many devices at a time. It is the answer to every single internet-related issue.

wavlink router

Wavlink Router Setup

Every router irrespective of its brand needs to be set up properly to get stable and fast internet. The more accurate the setup the better the connection is. It requires you to follow all the steps properly. There are a few major and minor steps including some prerequisites. We are going to explain the whole procedure of Wavlink Router Setup in detail. Your Wavlink router setup will be done in no time if you read and follow all the instructions accurately.

Prerequisites For Login

Although the Wavlink Router Setup is easy as it is there are a few things that you must do to make the process smoother and less time-consuming.

  • Check all the power outlets, plugs and wires if they are not damaged in any way and working perfectly fine.
  • Electricity and internet supply should be stable.
  • Keep your login credentials with you before initiating the login. It will save you time and prevent mistakes.
  • You should charge and update your device beforehand to avoid time wastage and complete the whole process in a single go.
  • Choose a suitable place for your router because it plays a very important role in determining the quality of the internet. The place should be enough for your host device and router because they should be kept near each other. You can use the spot finder feature of Wavlink in case you are not able to choose an appropriate place.

Login Steps In A Detailed Manner

Logging into your default account is simple if you have all of our login credentials ready with you. There are two methods and you can go with anyone of your liking.

  • Web Browser – Choose any web browser that you are comfortable with. Ensure the browser you are using is updated. Clear the cache memory and remove any additional extensions to avoid interruptions. Enter the web or IP address of Wavlink in the search window. Choose the login option and fill in all of the required information like SSID, username and password. You must recheck the information to prevent any typos. Tap Sign In and the log-in will be successful in a few moments. All the further steps will be shown on our screen after this. You must follow them to complete the configuration process.
  • Mobile App – The app is available on the Google Play Store and the App Store as well. Download the app and you can begin the process right away. Open the app and choose the login option. Select the name of your device and you will see a login interface. Enter all the login credentials accurately and click on the Sign In button given below. You will be logged in instantly if all the information you have filled in is accurate.

Setting Up Wavlink Router

The Wavlink Router Setup is the last step of the configuration process. It is very easy to perform but demands your undivided attention. So you must follow all the steps with a focus on avoiding any mistakes as these little mistakes can cause internet speed or connectivity issues.

  • Open the web browser or app that you are using and select the name of the device.
  • Enter the credentials and start configuring your device.
  • Select administration settings and start choosing suitable options.
  • Select your internet connection type. You may need a little help from your Internet Service Provider if you do not have all the information.
  • Configure your Device settings like SSID and password. Customize a few settings according to you like passwords, usernames and parental control features.
  • You must choose a strong password for security reasons.
  • Go to the WiFi settings of your device and scan for the Wavlink Router’s name. Select it and enter the password.
  • It will take a few seconds to connect.
  • Restart your device once it is connected successfully.
  • This is not a compulsory step but you are advised to do so to get the best speed and an uninterrupted connection.