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WL WN583AX1 AX1800 Extender Setup

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The WL WN583AX1 AX1800 extender is a signal-extending device that comes under the WiFi 6 extender setup series. After attaching to the existing home router it can amplify signals even at the WiFi dead spots. The interesting fact is that you can install this device by only using its WPS button. However, you will need to get familiar with its basic required details to execute the process.

WPS Configuration Of Wavlink Extender

As you get the WL WN583AX1 AX1800 extender setup, join the antennas on both sides to make it ready for configuration. Then, use the remaining steps here.

  • After connecting the extender hardware appropriately, fix it into a power socket and press the ON switch.
  • Wait till the extender LED shows an ideal indication, meanwhile plug the router too.
  • Ensure to place the router, extender, and device closer equally.
  • Later, press the extender’s WPS button for at least 5 seconds from its front panel.
  • Following this, locate and push the router’s WPS button within two minutes.
  • Also, look over its LED as this will indicate the working progress.
  • After a few minutes, both devices’ LEDs will become stable and the connection will be finished.
  • In the end, connect your devices to the network by choosing the right one from the network list.

Thus, enjoy the seamless internet speed on the network-connected device and let the device connect every time.

Configure WL WN583AX1 AX1800 On Web

In case your home router does not have a WPS feature or it’s not working as it should, then choose another method to perform the installation process.

  • In the first step, fix the extender and router into the power outlets.
  • Next, connect your PC or laptop to the extender network, either wirelessly or wired.
  • For a wireless connection, select the network from the list and insert the password in the field.
  • Whereas for a wired connection, use an ethernet wire and insert its ends into the extender and device’s ethernet ports.
  • After this, launch any latest web browser on that device to access the setup page.
  • Fill in the extender’s default web or IP address in the browser’s search panel.
  • Type wifi.wavlink.com as the web address and as the IP.
  • Ultimately, the login window will appear on the device’s screen.
  • Now, fill in the login credentials in the prompted field and tap Sign-In.
  • Choose the network that you want to extend or create a new SSID.
  • In the next step, use the window directions and complete the setup process.

Upgrade The Extender Firmware

In order to get the WL WN583AX1 AX1800 smooth working, keep its firmware version the latest. As a result, there will be no interruptions in the signals.

  • Initially, check the current software version of the extender.
  • More than that, visit the web-based setup to see the latest version.
  • Keep in mind to disconnect all the devices from the network except for the PC.
  • After that, download the file if there is any available, and save it to your PC.
  • Make sure to download the extender’s firmware file accordingly.
  • Access the web-based setup page again and upload that file there.
  • Once the new file is uploaded there, start the Firmware Update process.
  • Click on the option and let the browser complete the process.

Troubleshooting Tips For Extender Errors

In any case, if your device keeps disconnecting from the WL WN583AX1 AX1800 extender setup, make use of these resolving tips.

  • Check the electricity supply from the power sockets.
  • If there is any malfunctioning, then replace the power source outlets.
  • Besides that, look over the wired connection or ethernet wires.
  • Also, if there is any broken wire, change that with a new one.
  • Connect your device to the right network and use the accurate password.
  • Furthermore, fill in the extender’s right web or IP address in the field.
  • Change the extender placement and keep it within the router’s range.
  • Lastly, reset the extender if there is any requirement.

After implementing these solutions to the extender and router, check whether the network is working or not. If the extender still has not come in its well-working state, then contact our experts by calling 716-992-6371 or mailing at support@wifiwavlink.net.

Some Issues You Might Face

If you are facing any issues then please contact us, and we will be happy to help you.

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