wifi wavlink

How to Extend Your WiFi Range Using Wavlink Boosters, Repeaters & Extenders?

A decent Wavlink WiFi extender can send your WiFi signal to the furthest reaches of your home, allowing you to use your Alexa, laptop, or Switch from any room. Some extenders may even stretch that joyful WiFi power into the lawn, allowing you to stream Netflix poolside.

How do WiFi extenders work?

WiFi extenders function by wirelessly connecting to your network and replicating the signal. This amplifies the signal, allowing you to detect it from a greater distance.

The only catch?

Extenders often slow down the signal since it passes via another device before reaching you.

Who needs a WiFi extender, booster, or repeater?

wavlink wifi
The usual router is intended to transmit a WiFi signal up to 150 feet via an open area. So, if you want your home internet signal to reach the corners of your house and throughout your land, you’ll probably need to perform some fiddling.

WiFi dead zones are a daily occurrence whether you live in a big house, have an odd home plan with numerous levels, or have outbuildings.

WiFi signals may potentially be disrupted by building materials. Interior walls made of stone or brick are known for producing dead zones. Appliances, mirrors, walls, and floors may all disrupt your home WiFi connection.

This isn’t to say that everyone needs an extender, booster, or repeater (most households don’t), but for some individuals, they might be the perfect option.

How can you repair Wavlink WiFi dead zones?

The good news is that people are constantly resolving Wavlink WiFi dead zones. Businesses broadcast WiFi in big regions with difficult layouts every day, so bringing your WiFi into the backyard isn’t tough. Or the attic. Or your bedroom.

Here are three things you may do to address Wavlink WiFi dead zones in your home. Begin with the first, and if it doesn’t work, go on to the second, and so on.

  • Reposition your router. You want your modem and router as near to the center of the home as feasible.
  • Alter your wavelength. 2.4 GHz covers a larger region, however, it is slower. The 5 GHz wavelength is quicker, but it does not go as far or penetrate through barriers as well as the 2.4 GHz wavelength. You may experiment with moving from one to the other to see if you get better results. You didn’t know you could switch? Try it.
  • Invest in a wireless range extender. You may place an extender halfway between a dead zone and the router, functioning as a bridge between rich WiFi regions and dead zones.

Bands, Routers, and More:

Purchasing an extender, booster, or repeater isn’t the only option to get more out of your WiFi connection. Here are a few things you can do right now (for free!) to speed up your WiFi and make the most of your online experience.

Choose the appropriate Wavlink Device for the greatest WiFi coverage.

Most Wavlink routers are dual-band, which means you may choose between two distinct frequencies (also known as bands). These bands are 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz.

City birds often utilize the 5 GHz band since they live in close quarters with hundreds of other humans in their apartment complex who use the same frequency.

The 5 GHz spectrum is quicker, but it does not travel through obstructions as effectively as the 2.4 GHz band.

If you live in a less densely populated region and your issue is that you can’t receive WiFi in a rear bedroom, you may be able to extend your WiFi range by simply switching to the 2.4 GHz band.

The 2.4 GHz band is stronger at going through walls and furniture, and it may even extend WiFi to your backyard.

You may determine your router’s frequency by contacting the manufacturer or reconfiguring your router and switching it to a different wavelength.

Wavlink Router Best Placement

You may also try shifting your equipment around to obtain a better signal (we did this and it works). For example, if your modem and router are in the basement or a back closet someplace, this might be the source of your WiFi dead zones.

To begin, relocate your Wavlink modem and router to the center of your house. Place the equipment in a central area, away from the inner walls.

It should also be removed from heavy furniture such as bookcases, appliances, glass, and other impediments.

If these suggestions don’t work, your home office or gaming area is too far away, or you have excellent decor that would be ruined by a router, you may want to consider a booster, extender, or repeater.

Keep in mind that these gadgets may temporarily reduce the speed of your home internet connection. However, a sluggish connection may be preferable to no connection at all.

If you want to spread the joyful Wavlink WiFi juice even further, WiFi range extenders, boosters, and repeaters may assist.